Tuesday, December 12, 2006

A name is a name is a name ( I am in the mood to write something light n' funny (hopefully))

"Interviewer: Good evening. I have with me in the studio tonight one of Britain's leading skin specialists - Raymond Luxury Yacht.

Raymond: That's not my name.

Interviewer: I'm sorry - Raymond Luxury Yach-t.

Raymond: No, no, no - it's spelt Raymond: Luxury Yach-t, but it's pronounced 'Throatwobbler Mangrove'. "

-from Ep. 19 of Monty Python's Flying Circus

Well, I've been thinking about names of late. Ah, names! Just like first love, they never ask for permission before making the first entry into our lives. Yet, they can make us or mar us. I faintly recollect reading about this study done a few years ago which revealed that having a surname 'that makes an impact' improves the longevity of one's life as compared to those poor souls with rather funny last names. Apologies to Mr. Crawley, but, at least we know another reason why John Crawley was not such a tremendous success as Viv Richards in international cricket. Honestly, when you are in pain and have to make a random pick, who would it be? Dr. Merry or Dr. Payne? Don't forget that a strong last name in a particular culture may be the hilarious-est one according to people from some other part of the globe! Hmm... this is getting complicated.
When you think of it, names are hardly the UNIQUE identifiers. There can be hundreds of Nicole Mary Kidmans in our world (though I'm sure none will be as charming as you Nicole, no matter what Tom the Cruiser thinks). My "name" can be a number, but as the protagonist in The Prisoner used to famously declare in each episode, "I am not a number — I am a free man!". Finally, it was the internet that kindly gave us those hard-to-find unique identifiers with a personal touch. Yes, that's right, the mail/chat ids! Long live the internet! It brought us uniqueness and happiness (not the latter for those who spend painful hours/days wondering what cutegirl80 actually looks like!)
Apart from the not-so-subtle humorous effect that it brings, my buddies, this is the reason why I would like to address you by your e-mail Ids.

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